Meet Noah and Adriana at home in Fishers, Indiana by appointment! Facebook live and other stores upon request!


Meet Noah and Adriana

Noah Smith Noah Smith Adriana Smith

Meet Noah and Adriana at home in Fishers, Indiana by appointment! Facebook live and other stores upon request!

Noah and Adriana never stop working energy. At events, Noah will often touch those who are drawn to him or who have a special energy. However, the general public is not always as open to this and I don't always have a simple explanation falling back on "he has autism" as skeptics may not accept "he's an energy healer!" Adriana will insist that I tell people in the grocery store that she loves their energy and then proceed to talk about a family member who may or may not have passed! I'm a connector, not a medium | of this writing. I am learning, or remembering, on this journey. My adult children are the experts. My part is to assist in communication when needed and to help parents like me connect to their children. If you feel energy from any of us, please let us know! We plant seeds so many of the growth seen will happen later!

Check Facebook or Instagram for the latest info. Sharon Padgett Smith or Sharonsweb Autism Foundation on Facebook will have the most info.

Currently we travel from Indiana to Kentucky, Ohio and Minnesota but will be adding more areas with your invitations. Ideally we will be hosting retreats at Airbnb locations where Noah and Adriana can work at their own pace in their own way while other healers are offering sessions as well. If you have an event like this, please invite us!

For the autism community, especially those nonspeaking or with limited or unreliable speech, we can assist. | We use Facilitated Communication but it's more than that. There's an energy component that I noticed more with Noah initially than Adriana but I'm now seeing in others. This would be a workshop lead by Noah and Adriana with my assistance.

Check out Noah's Author Page on Amazon

Check out Adriana's Author Page on Amazon

The Ancestors Within is now on Audible!

Adriana is chapter 17!

Check it out here!

The Ancestors Within Book


Donate with Venmo or PayPal

The best way to support us is to share our information! If you feel Noah's energy or just want to give back, donations are appreciated.

Ebay for Charity

This has been our biggest source of fundraising! Sellers get a ribbon in the title and appear on our Charity link in addition to regular eBay. But it`s the BUYERS who have been giving at checkout! Thank you so much for your support!

Click here for our ebay site!

Kroger Community Rewards Banner

Kroger community rewards ideally would be easiest because it doesn't cost the shopper anything. But currently we are limited by region. Illinois indiana and Missouri for Central region. If Sharonsweb Autism Foundation is not on your Kroger rewards and you would like to introduce us to friends in your area, please let us know! Use number SHARONSWEB AUTISM FOUNDATION - LN918!

There are other small ways to help support! Check out the following!

Ibotta logo
Ibotta logo
Thrive Market Banner
Thredup Banner


Social media

We'd love to talk to you about our story! Our organization is all about communication, and there's no better way to talk than to contact us directly. Feel free to reach out to us from any of our social media links. We love having conversations with you!

Check us out on Tik Tok!